There is one natural phenomenon, when raw eggs can stand, that happened in the day of 5th in moth of 5th on lunar calendar every year that will be happened in 8 June 2008 this year, it means this next Sunday - REMEBER IT, DON'T MISS IT ! :)
This phenomenon known as "Twan Yang" feast day on Lunar calendar ( when the sun shine brightest / The Day of Life), there is " peh cun" legend also on that day, when people eat Ba Cang ( dialectal etymology Fujian; Ba Cang made of rice and pork wrapped with bamboo leaf and bound with red ribbon)
But actually -this is the secret- you can stand a raw egg everytime you want :) , because this phenomenon is only a bad astronomy, let's say it is because the Sun's gravity "lines up with Earth's", draw a line between the center of the Earth and the Sun, and you'll see that at any time, someplace on the Earth is on that line! If there is any validity to this solar balance claim, then certainly it negates the Spring Equinox claim.
So if you want to try, don't forget to prepare a raw egg, don't keep in refrigerator, and good luck :)