Secret Diary  

Posted by Kemauan in ,

Even though we live in an age of blogging, some of us still prefer putting our thoughts down so only we can see them. Here comes the Secret Diary for you who don't like the traditional notebook diary, because it is completely digital.

The Secret Diary looks like a USB Flash Drive, but that’s just its cover. It lives up to its name as the designated user must enter in a 4 digit Pin number on the built-in numeric keypad in order to get in. The data is stored via 256-bit AES cypto.

And there is also another security feature that if someone tries to hack into your Secret Diary, it will run a self-destruct procedure that will erase all the sensitive information. In can be a good or bad thing, because if you forget your pin you will also lost your data :)

As for the software to make daily diary entries, it comes with many fun interactive features including My Stars, Dream Catcher, Thinking Deep, and Mood Art. It even has some type of emotion sensor that somehow analyzes the text you are writing and can display a swirl in the heading to match the “mood” of the writing.

So this might be a good product for you guys (especially for girl maybe, because girls always write down many thing as you need to say 500 words a day, right? hehehe.) The price is about $60. If you want to buy, try googling secret diary and you should find the product.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 27, 2008 at Wednesday, August 27, 2008 and is filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


oh..secret diary..interesting..sayang mesti bayar :P

jen, we all girls must "say" 500 words, not write them haha :D

August 27, 2008 at 12:31 PM

menarik bangettt... pengen.... hikzz..

August 27, 2008 at 2:57 PM

@pucca: oops, jadi bukan nulis ya, cuma mau ngomong gitu ya ? maksudku itu kan mengarahkan kalian-kalian ini ke arah yg lebih "positif" gitu :)
@devita: pengen ? beli dah :)

August 29, 2008 at 6:33 AM

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